Friday, April 18, 2008

Strength work

Unfortunately on Tuesday the piston broke on my bike (only a crack) which meant that I was unable to ride Tuesday and Wednesday this week. After riding today it became apparent that missing out on riding and gym work makes a noticeable difference (for me) in my strength.

Today has been long motos, tomorrow is short and fast. It will be interesting to find out if my strength has altered much for these types of sessions, regardless, it is important for me to keep doing my strength training, even when I come against bike problems. Lesson learned!

The track today was soft and rutted, awesome, I love riding when there are long ruts, whether they be on straights or corners, especially when doing the longer motos where speed is less important and therefore is easier to be smooth.

I am sooo looking forward to riding tomorrow, even more so if it rains over night!

Have fun :-)

Friday, April 11, 2008

Iceland '08

My first race this year is June 5th, racing with the Kawasaki team, competing in Iceland is loads of fun and a certain challenge to be fully bike fit and at a fast race pace, in a matter of approx 6 weeks.

As with healing my wrist (which feels fine when riding) I will continue to practice visualising racing in Iceland and getting the results I want.

Here's to look to the future :-)


Amazingly, riding is going really well (and I've only ridden twice!!).

As I have blogged about before, when setting goals, use the anagram of SMARTER. Here is another anagram KISS - Kept It Simply Simple, here, I am referring to eating whilst riding.

With help from the 'edmaster nutritionist my calorie intake is really simple. Also, my beliefs regarding carbohydrate loading and taking extra care to be hydrated the day before a race, are well and truely blown out of the water, becuase training takes place so often, it's required to be hydrated everyday (even if there is no physical exercise at all) and supplying the body with fuel (as in carbo loading) is something done on a daily basis rather than just for the weekend.

I have gained great benifits from this support.

The next thing I am keeping simple is my motocross bike training program. Using my heart rate monitor whilst I am riding is providing me with specific information whilst riding and afterwards for analysis as well.

I have been off the bike for 12 months and I have done 20 and 30 minute motos at a good pace already, I am really pleased with these results.

Riding is so much fun and I am totally loving it, I am so looking forward to riding next time.

Have fun.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

'EDMASTER Performance Coaching

Damn! After blogging about the Law of attraction, I walked into an illness which has lasted just over a week. So I ask myself 'for what purpose have I given myself the illness? and what should I be concentrating on, of which, I am currently not?'

Now, our kids have had a bug and I'm usually the only person in the household who avoids been ill, only this time I picked it up. So what was the reason for me attracting the bug?

It turns out that after training extra hard during the week my immune system was running low and allowed the bug to enter my body and there is a reason for this.

The answer to my question 'what should I be concentrating on, of which, I am currently not?' is that I am over due to see my nutritionist. During the consultation she pointed out (the nutritionist) what was going on. I am now in a position to make adjustments to my food intake to keep my immune system up to it's highest level whilst training hard.

This is great news and I am so happy to be working with her, not only for myself but for all our customers who want to make the most of their bodies performance whilst competing.

Check out our website and make the most of our services 'EDMASTER Performance Coaching

Circuit training is held at the Keep Moat Stadium in Doncaster on their Athletic track. Contrary to what the website says the circuit training entails alot of running among other strength exercise. This will take place on Tuesday morning and Doncaster Moto Parc is open for practice from 11am.

I have created this training so that I can have the best days training possible as I am now in a rush to be ready for my first race in June. Please come along and train with me and we make improvements together.