Tuesday, July 07, 2009

More miles.

Matt and I had our first ride togather last week when we went out with Dave (my brother-in-law) on a 'chain gang' ride. I say chain gang, however, there was only 4 of us!

Dave had mentioned that its a 23mile circuit and it takes an hour. Therefore an average speed of 23mph. When we got going I looked at the speedo and noticed we where doing 25mph and I was finding it a challenge! Apparnetly, I had joined on to the fast group and was leaving the other group behind, so after a little rest I had joined the right group and we were on our way.

I found it hard to keep up with Dave and Matt was finding it hard to keep up with us both until he had found his rythem and joined in the chain.

Another ride I have done is 45 miles which took me 2 hours 26 mins, it was quite a hilly route and a little windy. I used 1646 calories, Max Heart Rate 163, Averge HR 138 & min HR 51 (before I set off). This was a good ride and on my own, I also realise that doing 150 miles, 7 days in a row is going to be a challenge, however, there is another 6 weeks training and prepareing to do as we will be ready, I am sure.