Friday, April 11, 2008


Amazingly, riding is going really well (and I've only ridden twice!!).

As I have blogged about before, when setting goals, use the anagram of SMARTER. Here is another anagram KISS - Kept It Simply Simple, here, I am referring to eating whilst riding.

With help from the 'edmaster nutritionist my calorie intake is really simple. Also, my beliefs regarding carbohydrate loading and taking extra care to be hydrated the day before a race, are well and truely blown out of the water, becuase training takes place so often, it's required to be hydrated everyday (even if there is no physical exercise at all) and supplying the body with fuel (as in carbo loading) is something done on a daily basis rather than just for the weekend.

I have gained great benifits from this support.

The next thing I am keeping simple is my motocross bike training program. Using my heart rate monitor whilst I am riding is providing me with specific information whilst riding and afterwards for analysis as well.

I have been off the bike for 12 months and I have done 20 and 30 minute motos at a good pace already, I am really pleased with these results.

Riding is so much fun and I am totally loving it, I am so looking forward to riding next time.

Have fun.

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