Wednesday, April 25, 2007

My parking space

The Bob Proctor CDs I've recently been listening to, describe how there is only one unconscious mind and we can all tape into it at any time and he gives an example, of which I have used before and did again today, only this time it really made me smile.

I had a meeting at the bank this morning and I like to park on the road side, just outside the bank. There are only five or six spaces and on the same road a little further down there are some more. These spaces are usually filled as it's in the middle of town.
Before I set off I said to myself that there will be a space on the road where I want to park and I had the picture of the spaces in my mind. When I got there, there were no spaces and I wondered if I had made a mistake by not being specific enough.
As I turned the van around I looked at all the spaces and thought to myself 'which car looks like it may be leaving at any time?' none of them did. After a quick look I decided that I would drive past the cars in the place I wanted to be. I didn't understand how this had happened. There was supposed to be a space and as I arrived at the place I wanted to be, the car which was parked in the space, drove off.
Fantastic, I got my space and it was the best one!

On my way home from the bank, I was thinking about a friend who I haven't spoken to for some time and wondered how he was doing. He called me this afternoon to say Hi and tell me what he's been up to.

So, is there only one unconscious that we can all tap in to or is it just coincidence?

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