Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Within 10%!?!

I am sure that my scaphiod is within 10% of being fully healed. Today I have noticed that the intensity of my last couple of training sessions, including today, have increased. I think this is important so that the blood is getting pushed through the area fresh and faster!

Of course this is my interpretation and what I am visualising to make the bone heal together strongly, tight and hard together.

I love training!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Engines have filters.......

Describing what Time Line Therapy does for people, and how it works, is something I have been considering lately and here is a way that I can put it, to help people, consider the possibilities of what this process can do.

Motor sport people are aware of engines having filters, and that these filters, hold dirt and engine particles whilst filtering everything else that passes through it. If there is dirt on the filter, even more is attracted to it and the filter becomes even more clogged up and then eventually the engine begins to break down.

The same is for our mind, of which we have two (our conscious mind and our unconscious mind and I am referring to our unconscious mind at the moment). Our unconscious mind filters all information that comes in to us, through our senses (Eyes, Ears, Touch, Smell & Taste) and stores ALL our experiences.

Bad and inhibiting experiences can clog our internal filters and reduce our ability to create even better results than the one time you went out and produced something amazing, that time when everything went awesome and was so easy.

Well, this is what NLP, Hypnosis and Time Line Therapy is all about. It's just as easy to change/clean out your unconscious minds filter as it is to do with an engine, allowing you the possibility to enjoy your racing, hobby, job, family...! Just like the times when you were a kid and had so much fun, which came free and easy. You could have it back :-)


Training is going well. I'm really enjoying getting on my bicycle every day.

The reason why I'm cycling is so that I can oxygenate my blood and increase my heart rate so that, at least once a day, fresh blood is being pumped around (and through) the scaphiod.

The scaphiod has blood supplied to it at one end, as apposed to both ends like other bones, this is what makes the bone tricky to heal.

I have been using Hypnosis and my pendulum to find out how the bone is healing and the progress seems to be very good. I loose count of how many times I visualise the bone healing and concentrating on what I want to be doing when the cast comes off.

I'm stepping up the duration and intensity of my sessions from January 1st.

Monday, December 10, 2007


Since I went to see Ashley Scott at Mindracing for a break through session, I 've been learning about NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and have been using some of it for coaching, with great results. I was totally blown away with Time Line Therapy (the process used in the Break Through session) and have been learning about it and going through the self development as I have gathered more information on the subject.

I have now completed my courses and have become a Master Practitioner of NLP, Time Line Therapy and Hypnosis.

Why would I want to use this for Motocross coaching?

The great thing about NLP is that it's about communication, problem solving and empowerment. So it's easy for someone to learn a new technique or strategy for racing, it's possible for a rider to over come mental blocks through conversation, as well as using Anchors to get rid of, for example, nerves before starts or jumps.

For problems that people may experience all of the time, rather than some of the time (such as before a start) then Time Line Therapy is the tool for removing negative emotions, such as, Anger, Sadness, Fear, Hurt & Guilt, as well as Limiting Decisions and Limiting Beliefs.

Hypnosis is great for coaching, of which, I want to practice some ideas that I have for it's use with riding. Also, it's great for relaxation and unconscious suggestions.

So, at the moment I am putting different coaching packages together and am really excited about creating, empowering transformations for anyone in sport whether that be riders, mechanics, teams or businesses.

In a previous blog I wrote about setting SMARTER goals. If you want to achieve something for racing next year or something in life, use this method and you will put yourself in good stead for achieving it.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Simple plan

I have now had a 2-3 hour operation on my wrist. The doctor thinks it will be 6 months until we will know if it has healed correctly! and that there is a 60% of recovery.

Now, this may seem like the odds are slightly stacked against me, however, I know I am a quick healer and that my plan will have me back to normal in weeks rather than months.

The plan is simple: rest, exercise, eat well, visualise the bone healing and rest.

One thing that I am over the moon with is the fact that I have had no pain what so ever. I am unsure of how I have done this, even when the nurse said that taking the drain out of my hip (from the removal of bone for the graft) was going to be painful. I watched her pull it out with no pain at all. I like this!!

Recovery has already started!

Keep having Fun

Wednesday, December 05, 2007


The last time I wrote was September 6th, wow, that seems such a long time ago. I have my operation for my wrist tomorrow, of which, I am looking forward to.

I have full movement in my wrist now. The doctors said that I would loose movement and the strength of my grip feels really good also. This begs the question 'have I healed the bone already?'

I have finished my training courses now which means that I can now offer the best Motocross coaching that anyone can provide in the U.K.

Did you know that there is no need to feel nervous on a start line? Is it possible to feel excited, determined, and totally confident, Every time you go to the start line? You bet it's possible.

I have learnt new techniques that are quick, easy and very effective. I'll explain more after my visit to hospital.

Keep having fun