Sunday, December 09, 2007

Simple plan

I have now had a 2-3 hour operation on my wrist. The doctor thinks it will be 6 months until we will know if it has healed correctly! and that there is a 60% of recovery.

Now, this may seem like the odds are slightly stacked against me, however, I know I am a quick healer and that my plan will have me back to normal in weeks rather than months.

The plan is simple: rest, exercise, eat well, visualise the bone healing and rest.

One thing that I am over the moon with is the fact that I have had no pain what so ever. I am unsure of how I have done this, even when the nurse said that taking the drain out of my hip (from the removal of bone for the graft) was going to be painful. I watched her pull it out with no pain at all. I like this!!

Recovery has already started!

Keep having Fun

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