Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Balancing the wheel

For the last 3 months I have been working mainly at my track Doncaster Moto Parc. I need to have the circuit at a standard that I am happy with. I am almost there, the track looks great, the staff are more organised and practice days are running alot smoother.
Whilst concentrating on this, the 'off road facilities guidelines' has been published. This document is the result of input from myself, two other circuit owners and Dave Luscombe(from the A.C.U), who generated the main components of the document. I am proud to be apart of this as it will help other circuit operators set up safe practice facilities. Also I have become an ACU motocross coach assessor (something which I didn't think I was capable of doing in the past).

To achieve my goals in racing I have spent alot of time in areas that have very little effect on my ability to improve my bike skills as I have only spent a minimal amount of time on a bike.
Do I still want to race? You bet.
I have been balancing my wheel (Keeping sport/career,relationships,personnel development,wealth,family,spirituality and health and fitness equal). It has taken effort and to start off with I found it hard to consistently keep a balance, I am still working on that balance and it is now becoming easier.

My relationship with my wife has improved so much so that Kate now has her own bike and will come riding with me when I go training. This is awesome!

Using information from previous maximal fitness tests I have started training so that in 8 weeks my fitness and strength should be at a level which will be just right for when I start training on my motocross bike. I will know this when I have the next maximal fitness test!

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