Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Dark,cold mornings...

Swimming is great, My heart rate is reaching quite high numbers, there are recovery periods and my speed and technique is improving.

Also, it's a great way to wake up in a morning.

I started swimming at 7a.m. this morning, as I left the house, it was dark, cold (approx -1), the padlock on the gate was frozen and the van windows frozen over. What kind of picture do you have in your mind?

For me it was great, the cold, still air smelt really clean and felt fresh as I took deep breathes in, a small number of birds where singing because the day is starting. The sun will be coming up in a short time and the ice sparkles on my white van. The warm water that I was pouring onto the windscreen felt soft on my hands and the van engine sounded great, ticking over, as it was the only other sound other than the birds and when I get in my van to leave, I am leaving to improve my fitness, to help me reach my goal and the method to do this, is swimming, Fantastic.

I really enjoyed training this morning!

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