Monday, December 11, 2006

Race against time!

For the past 12 weeks I have been doing the easy part of achieving my goal....becoming psychically fit and getting bikes to ride.

Having a psychical training programme has made getting fitter, really fun and easy, however, before I started my training, I made a commitment to myself, that I would not throw myself completely into my motocross training until I was in a position where I can race for the whole season, to avoid 'resource depletion'.

This I am finding my biggest challenge as, I am nearly their with support, however, I really could do with some more, of which, I will keep seeking.

I have found a new area that I want clarity, I need to produce, quick and effective results with my bike training and therefore require a specific training programme. This I am working on and I will write about the programme as I get it completed.

What I am finding tough at the moment, is being so motivated to achieve my goals and not letting myself loose on my bike training, which I have in the workshop waiting to go. Also, I am very aware that my first British championship race is on March 11th, this is only 13 weeks away!

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