Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Dutch trip and Mixed emotions

I have just returned home from a great, productive trip to Jacky Boerman's house in Holland. The purpose of the trip was to collect my repaired Yamaha, which broke earlier this season and to prepare my new bike, suspension, carburetter & engine settings. We spent 45 minutes testing the bike at a typical Dutch track, really deep sand.
I felt rusty to start with and was very pleased with how the bike ran and handled.

I experienced some mixed emotions during the trip. Mostly, I was excited, a little sad leaving my family and then, excited about the trip, meeting Jacky and his family, the new bike, riding, travelling, collecting the Yamaha and so on.

The mixed emotions came when I left Jacky's. I felt a little sad when I left because we have a good relationship and I feel comfortable with the whole family.
This made me think about when I meet people. I have a tendency to become very relaxed and comfortable with people who I meet and form great relationships. This is great, as I have a lot of friends who I only see occasionally because they live in different countries or a long distance from my home in the U.K.

The mixed emotions, however, came from when I left and feeling a little sad to be leaving the Boerman family. My next thoughts moved onto getting home and seeing Kate and our kids.
Something didn't quite feel right.

I then noticed, that, I still had the feeling off leaving Jacky's when I started thinking about Kate and the girls and was therefore feeling sad when thinking about them in stead of being excited.
Once I had changed my mental state to being excited about seeing my family, I felt great and really enjoyed the trip home.

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