Wednesday, January 31, 2007

High Five

Waking up for our second day of training was quite slow! My body was full of lactate acid (A waste product that builds up in your muscles after training anaerobic, which means without oxygen in the muscles). My major muscle groups ached intensely.

The beginning of the day was a repeat of the morning before, run first, gym second. This helped remove a little lactic, however, it still left me feeling sleepy, tired. At the track we had a warm up session followed by one moto. Bliss, just one moto!

After ‘getting through’ the moto, I spoke with my friend, Petur about the setup of the bike. We decided that we should make some alterations and after a few laps of testing, the bike was a lot better and some much easier to ride, faster and with less effort. It will be great to improve my lap times now.

Now, if I was stiff this morning, it’s hard to comprehend how I feel after today’s training, and, how about this, my friend Andy (who is joining us on Sunday) has spoken with the guys at High Five (a high quality sports drink supplement company) and they would like me to test there products and that their protein drink (which Andy had packed in our van) would help get rid of the stiffness. After following Andy’s instruction on preparing the drinks, I have woken up this morning feeling so much better, it is incredible. This makes me very happy to continue to test their products.

To really make sure we remove the stiffness, we have cycled for 1 hour this morning in the very wet, rain! The rest of the day will be preparing for riding in mud tomorrow!

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