Friday, May 04, 2007

Hospital visit

My visit to hospital went as I had planned. There is no need for a cast any more and the scaphoid bone remains broken. I have ridden a little and my wrist feels fine, however, I need to seriously consider surgery to heal the bone to prevent the arthritis getting any worse than it already is, I am very unhappy about having to make this decision.

I think I should see this season out and then have an operation during the off season. This is my initial thought and could well change!

The doctor also pointed out, whilst looking at the x-rays, that I have had many other injuries in my hand, of which to me, I have been unaware of. Many times when I was racing in the Grand Prix I would injure myself and ride through the pain so I could keep on racing. I wonder how many more breaks I have had without knowing?

For me, I think adrenaline is a wonderful thing when racing, it makes hard to realise you have hurt yourself, whilst you are in the thick of racing. Wonderful!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel, in and out of hospitals and all that fun stuff. The doctor bills can be amazingly high. But keep your head up and you'll heal up and be back out racing. I just had to stay focused so i could stay and shape and things of that sort