Monday, February 26, 2007


I chose to substitute a practice session on the motorbike for a cycle session and really enjoyed the ride.

With my head phones on, I set off on my lap, which usually takes me one hour. I was enjoying being on my own and having the opportunity to think in solitude.
I also noticed that, it's great where I live. On my ride I go through a small town where I used to go to school and the rest of the circuit is on quite roads, through small villages and lots of open fields. The fields, separated by hedges are mostly green, with some ploughed and this gave me a great feeling, that spring is on it's way.

I myself felt really good on the bike and on my return had ridden with really good speed, a couple of minutes quicker than usual, however, what I was really stoked with, is that my average heart rate was around 22 beats low than last time I had done this circuit.
By measuring my time and heart rate I am able to get this important feedback. I am a lot fitter than when I did this session in January.

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