Thursday, February 15, 2007

Test of mental strength.

I am having a slightly tough time at the moment. An area which I have blogged about previously, was to avoid resource depletion. With the winter seeming to last for ever, the track has been closed too many times and I am still wait for word on product support for bike spares.
With my training taking a lot out of me, I am really having to make an effort, to be, mentally tough and strong.

It would seem that, as my physical training and bike practice come to an end of a cycle and becomes easier, I am now faced with the new challenges of maintaining adequate resources, (which should only last for a short number of weeks) and learning how to deal with racing and make sure that I keep on improving, so that, I can finish 3rd overall, in Roggenburg, Switzerland on the 3rd September. When I do this, I know 2008 will be all mine!

Speaking with Harry Everts (a four time world champion) in Spain, he told me (his opinion) that the first World Championship you win is a gift, every world championship after that is yours to keep.
He was saying this to someone who has won no World championships and I would love the gift of the first one, however, it still fits in with my plans that I can win two World championships, I believe I may be setting another goal as this year progresses!

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